BME London Landlords are group of BME led Housing Organisations (Registered social landlords) that manage over 6300 London homes and has the capacity to develop 2100 new homes.
Our mission is to work together in collaboration delivering ambitious, innovative and influential projects that provide positive outcomes and enhance value for money for our residents communities and organisations.
In response to The Regulator for Social Housing’s consultation we as BME London Landlords concur and endorse the following points made by BMENational:
- TSMs should be collected and analysed by ethnicity. We know that previous research has shown that BME tenants have higher levels of dissatisfaction than tenants as a whole, and collecting data in this way would help organisations to analyse the disparities in satisfaction.
- We would also like to see resident satisfaction measures in the private rented sector collected as comparators. This would help in analysing whether tenants are dissatisfied with the landlord or social housing as a form of tenure, and whether one factor drives the other
- There is a wider issue here about tenant engagement. TSMs should not be the ‘be all and end all’ of a continuing dialogue with tenants. League tables are only part of a picture which will be influenced by geography , size and tenant make-up.
- We are concerned that our overwhelming presence in area of disadvantage will reflect in lower TSMs as tenants take into account other systematic inequalities in their perceptions of the landlord. We would TSMs to take this into account when published.
- The flexibility about when and how data is collected is meant to be helpful but could lead to data being manipulated. This is something that needs tenant engagement to produce a more sophisticated measure of outcomes.
- We are keen to ensure that the process is more about what actions are being taken to address the outcomes, rather than a bare statistical measure of TSMs being presented
- We would like to understand how the RSH will verify the validity of the TSM outcomes. Will there be a deeper dive into how the figures are derived?