Produce a well researched White Paper concerning the disparities faced by BME tenants and BME Communities in social housing, with findings and recommendations to influence and shape social housing sector policy.
Project purpose

Co produce paper with BMELL BME Tenants forum, Chairs of BME Housing Sector, Deputy Mayor of London for Housing and Chief Execs/Chair’s of HA’s, who are recognised as the largest providers of social housing to BME Communities

Launch of Housing Manifesto For Change white paper to contribute to the housing policy debate to influence reducing the disparities faced in the delivery of affordable housing services BME tenants and BME Communities in the short, medium and long term.

3. Secure audiences with Key Stakeholders responsible for the provision of social housing to influence and shape policy

Engage local authority leadership for their perspective on developing services to BME Communities
- Assigned individual staff members in each BMELL member organisation to coordinate attendance of member representative tenants at BMELL Tenant Forum Meetings.
- Engage DWC to enlist support of LA leadership and other key figures to support initiative Coordinating role working in partnership with NHF reporting to BMELL Exec Group
- Agreement by BMELL members
- Assigned delegate staff members in each BMELL member organisation responsible to coordinate member representative tenants
- Scheduled dates secured for audience with BMELL Chairs, National Housing Federation, Deputy Mayor of London for Housing, Council Leaders

Project milestones

Policy forum meetings with Chairs of BME Housing Sector, Deputy Mayor of London for Housing, Chief Execs/Chairs of BME HA’s to champion their voice in our sector

Report on Policy forum meetings with selected partners

Consult on draft white paper with BMELL BME Tenants forum, LA council leads

Publish and Launch Housing Manifesto for Change