BMELL’s project activity stems from a 5-pillar strategic framework agreed by collaboration members in early 2021 during the third lockdown of the COVID pandemic. Influence, Leadership, User Experience, Efficiency and Community Engagement
Our latest projects

BMELL Anti-Racism Intitiative
Challenge the social housing sector to action on Anti Racism.

BMELL Tenants Forum
Empower BMELL Tenants to champion their voices so that they are heard separately to influence policy and shape service delivery.

Housing Manifesto for change
Produce a well researched White Paper concerning the disparities faced by BME tenants and BME Communities in social housing.

Establish social value
Establish Social Value of Social Impact created jointly and individually from BMELL member organisations

Developing a charitable entity
By developing a charitable entity sponsored by the collaborative group it is clear that our collaboration can scale the impact we already deliver for our stakeholders by developing an organisational vehicle specifically for that purpose.

BMELL Staff Conference
The conference programme was specifically designed to deliver on the project objectives to optimize staff understanding of the history and dynamism of the BME Housing Sector, the BME London Landlords Collaboration, and the work of its members.

Kickstart programme
The UK government developed a the Kickstart Scheme to create new 6-month job placements for young people who are currently on Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment