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Leslie Laniyan gave feedback from the Asset Managers meeting held at Shian HA offices in Hackney on 11th July. He said “I thought today’s meeting with excellent and being there as a simple CEO gave me greater insight into the work that everyone is putting in to manage the assets of their respective organisation.  But I also believe it highlighted similarities as well as differences in the way that we work trying to deliver the same outcomes. Having some uniformity by taking the best practices from each other will I believe achieve the positive outcomes in terms of quality of service and cost that we all would like to achieve.” Specific outcomes from the meeting included;-

1. Creation of Dropbox sharing policy and best practices

2. Distribution of Asset Management Contractors and Consultants Questionnaire – To compare and grade services contracted by each organisation

3. Data collection exercise combining the planned and cyclical maintenance programmes across collaboration members for the next 7 years

4. Invitation to CHIC Ltd. (Procurement company) to present the next BMELL Collaboration Meeting

If you are a member of BMELL and would like to get involved in the BMELL Asset Managers Group, please email for more details.