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About BME London Landlords

At a time when collaboration has never been more relevant or necessary; the sector as a whole faces immense challenges and uncertainty in delivering services within the current operating environment. BME London Landlords since its formation in 2016 has been instrumental in developing Leadership 2025, Build London Partnership, Awarding Winning Bangla COVID 19 Advice Project, BMELL Tenants Forum, and The Social Housing Anti-Racism Pledge. As a collaborative body will we  continue to challenge ourselves and our sector to find solutions to benefit our customers and wider stakeholders

BME London Landlords members collaborate to optimise our collective impact to improve and advocate for better the services provided to our residents and the wider BME communities we serve.

As the foremost BME led sustainable community facing enterprises in London, BMELL we advocate that the delivery of services to London’s marginalised BME communities demands a coherent integrated approach.

Post pandemic London’s marginalised BME communities are facing immense challenges. We are working together as organisations with our staff, residents, and partners to meet these challenges head on with practical solutions in to create more impact.

Our objectives

In January 2016 twelve BME housing associations (Now 14) chose to embark on a series of collaborative projects to in order to:

Deliver enhanced value for money for their residents, communities and organisations.

Share best practice.

Provide opportunities for their residents to access to services, such as employment support, that they would not otherwise be able to deliver alone.

Discover more about us

Our visions & goals

Our vision is to be a leading example of successful collaboration and social innovation.

See goals

Our members

BME London Landlords consist of 13 BME Led Registered Social Landlords who provide affordable housing to tenants across Greater London.

See members

Research & Publications

Our annual reports, statements, reports, submissions and reviews.

Read publications

Partnerships Initiatives

We work with a number of strategic partners to deliver our project programmes and meet our strategic objectives.

See partnerships

Our collaboration members

John Delahunty

CEO - Innisfree HA

Aziz Rahim

CEO - North London Muslim HA

Leslie Laniyan

CEO - Shian HA

Ricky Scipio

CEO - Westway HA

Chris Harris

CEO - Arhag HA

Bashir Uddin

CEO - Bangla HA

Ben Laryea

CEO - Ekaya HA

Khalid Mair

Chair - Imani Housing Coop Ltd

Neil Ayre

CEO - Tamil Community HA

Chaya Spitz


Jonathan Gregory

Interim CEO - Industrial Dwellings Society

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is there a need for BME Register Social Landlords?

Most BME Registered Social Landlords were formed subsequent to Urban riots in the 1980’s where Lord Scarmen’s public inquiry report findings in the aftermath of disturbances that took place, that BME communities needed to have more of a stake in society. Because of the race disparity inequalities that existed at time in accessing decent housing, the regulator of social housing at the time responded to challenges put forward by a growing movement of community activism that provided clear evidence of discrimination to BME communities, by developing in partnership with the Federation of Black Housing Organisations the BME Housing Strategy, which saw over 100 BME Registered Social Landlords developed in the UK.

What does BME London do?

BME Communities are still experiencing significant disparities and inequalities in housing, employment, health outcomes, social mobility and many more indices. By coming together collectively BME London Landlords whose primary stakeholders represent the majority BAME communities based in London are now working together to highlight structural inequalities, leverage their assets and resources to work with partners to deliver projects and programmes that provide innovative solutions to address the disparities that exist.

Who do you work with?

BME London Landlord’s already work with local authorities, larger mainstream housing associations, regional authorities and private sector organisations. BME London Landlords as a collective are keen to work with larger corporate businesses and philanthropists to partner and develop dynamic socially innovative projects, products and programmes that advance ESG’s, SDG’s objectives, socially innovative work towards greater social impact. BME London Landlords has already led the way with the Leadership 2025 programme, and the Build London Partnership.