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Building racial inclusion

The Social Housing Anti-Racism Pledge (SHARP), developed by BME London Landlords, BME National, and The Housing Diversity Network, calls on all registered social landlords to adopt an Anti-Racist stance by adopting a clear policy that states their organisation is Anti-Racist.

Discover our Anti-Racism pledgeJoin SHARP

Collaborating together to create greater social impact

Our vision is to work together in partnership to deliver ambitious, innovative and influential projects that provide positive outcomes and enhanced value for money for our residents, communities and organisations.

About us

Who we are

BME London Landlords consist of 13 BME Led Registered Social Landlords who provide affordable housing to tenants across Greater London. The BME led Housing Organisations (Registered social landlords) manage over 6300 London homes and has the capacity to develop 2100 new homes. We have come together and formed a mission to work together in partnership to deliver ambitious, innovative and influential projects that provide positive outcomes and enhance value for money for our residents communities and organisations.

Our members

Our latest projects

Discover the initiatives we are working on and the areas of further work that we are planning to develop in the near future including the Housing Manfesto for Change, establishing Social Value and Our Anti-Racism Initiative.

See all projects

Our Vision and Goals

Our Vision is to be a leading example of successful collaboration of BME led organisations that continually creates and develops significant impactful change for BME residents and communities in London. We have a strategic framework that seeks to Influence, show Leadership, improve User Experience, Community Engagement, and Efficiencies.

Find out about our Vision, short, medium and long term goals.

Vision & Goals

Research & Publications

Review research that has been conducted on our sector, and the publications that detail some of the challenges, achievements and work we are doing.

Research & Publications


A key aspect of the work we do is developing partnership initiatives to leverage the proximity we have with BME communities to create more opportunities to address the disparaties and economic disadvantage faced by many from BME communities in London

Our Partnerships

Latest news & events

BME London Tenants Forum Response To RSH Consultation on Consumer Standards

| Statements & Responses | No Comments
BME London Landlords Tenants Forum are the Tenant representative group of BMELondon Landlords Collaboration, 13 BME led Housing Organisations (Registered sociallandlords) that manage over 6300 London homes. We work together…

BME London Landlords Response to Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) Consultation

| Statements & Responses | No Comments
BME London Landlords are group of BME led Housing Organisations (Registered social landlords) that manage over 6300 London homes and has the capacity to develop 2100 new homes. Our mission…

BME London Landlords Tenants Forum Response to Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) Consultation

| Statements & Responses | No Comments
BME London Landlords Tenants Forum are the Tenant representative group of BME London Landlords Collaboration, 13 BME led Housing Organisations (Registered social landlords) that manage over 6300 London homes. We…